Remote control your miniRUEDI

Setting up a remote control for the miniRUEDI is easy with the right software. So far, we really like DWService! It’s open source, and you can use if for free. The DWService system works by installing an «agent» software on the miniRUEDI computer, which connects to an account on the DWService website. The website allows screen sharing, file uploads and downloads, shell access, a text editor, and other useful remote management tools for the miniRUEDI computer.

Connecting the agent to the DWService website requires a code, which is generated from the DWService account. To this end, you’ll either create your own account (it’s free!), or you can ask us to create a code for you from our DWService account.

Here’s how to install and configure the DWService agent software on the miniRUEDI computer:

  1. Connect the miniRUEDI computer to the internet.
  2. Download and and save the installer file (do not “open as text”).
  3. Install the DWService agent by using the installer (run the commands in a Terminal window):
    1. Change to the directory where you downloaded the installer file. For example:
      cd /home/ruedi/Downloads/
    2. Make sure the installer file is executable:
      chmod +x
    3. Run the installer file with admin permissions (you may have to enter the admin password), using your DWService code. For example, if your code is 123-456-789:
      sudo ./ -silent key=123-456-789
  4. Once the installation of the DWService agent is completed, the miniRUEDI computer should be accessible via the internet using the DWService website.

New Software!

We spent some time to revamp the miniRUEDI software for instrument control and gas analysis!

The new software is not only prettier but is also easier to configure. You don’t need to write Python code anymore (but you still can!).

If you want to try the new software with your miniRUEDI, please get in touch with us.