How to order from us

We like to make the ordering process as smooth and easy as possible. To order any products or services from us, please consider the following process:

  • Send us an email with a description of what you are looking for. If you’re not sure, just provide us with some background of what you intend to achieve and we’ll help you figure our the details.
  • We’ll provide a quote (and if you need us to revise it, we’ll do our best to accommodate).
  • Once you are ready to order, send us a purchase order (PO). Please mention the quote number on the PO and make sure the terms/conditions, amounts, and currency are consistent with those on the quote.


In some cases, the buyer organisation requires setting up a contract. Please let us know and send us a draft. Make sure the terms/conditions align with those on the quote. Also, please keep the contract short and use normal language so we don’t need to hire a lawyer to explain the contract to us.

Public Tendering, Vendor Forms, etc.

We have recently seen an increasing number of requests to provide extended documents for public tendering or vendor forms related to clients’ in-house systems for the setup and administration of purchase orders.

Of course these information are required to assess and negotiate offers and to process orders. However, please understand that we focus our work on designing and building great instruments for our customers, and on supporting them to get the best out of their instruments. We don’t have free capacities to deal with excessive (and often redundant) paperwork. Therefore, before asking us to complete forms, please consult our quote and website, which usually contain all the information needed. If you are missing information that is not available on our quote or website, please ask us for that specific piece of information.

In some cases there is no way around the forms, for example if they are required for legal reasons. If so, please enter the available information into your forms and provide us with those pre-filled documents so we can check and sign them (if necessary). Otherwise, if you cannot provide pre-filled forms, please understand that we will have to charge an hourly rate for the paperwork.